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海岛大亨5 2号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)

海岛大亨5 2号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw原创制作)
更新时间:2014-06-11 11:07




- 多人游戏:玩家在各个聊天室现在显示的号码
- 多人游戏:修正了几个异步游戏状态
- 多人游戏:修正了几个UI问题
- 多人游戏:创建多人游戏时添加的游戏速度设定
- 多人游戏:聊天室的名称现在显示正确
- 多人游戏:修正了一个与航母不能正常工作
- 多人游戏:固定式蒸汽玩家具有相同名称的处理
与其他玩家的矿井开拓存款固定的问题时:多人 -
- 增加了选项重新绑定相机键
- 增加了一个维修/重建所有选项的损坏/毁坏的建筑物
- 增加了选项来设置预算所有的建筑类型(按住Ctrl的同时确定预算)
- 美容及污染现在可以正确地影响房屋质量
- 重新平衡升级:研究计划(学院),小强子对撞机(研究室),浑然天成(药业公司)
- 升级现正与所列数值:化学提取(铝矾土矿及煤矿自动化),燃气轮机(电厂)
- 工人的铀矿自动重新平衡数
- 普查诏书现在可以正确地运用其影响在激活
- 传旨现在可以当钱是低于被取消 - $ 8888
- 修正了沙箱的胜利条件不加载一个保存后恢复
- 修正了崩溃和在主菜单上消除口吃
- 修正了菜单的过场动画后失去焦点时触发
- 修正了成就(猴子的桶,历史将免责Me)中
- 修正了公民不要退休或正常逝去
- 修正了罕见的无尽的黑画面冻结与灾害
- 在战斗中修正了几个冻结
- 修正了一些任务链问题
- 修正了丢失的建筑物年历表
- 修正了个别情况下王朝可以有超过7成员
- 在地图上固定覆盖的火山没有火山
- 当切换总统候选人固定王朝的UI错误
- 修正了建设办公室和卡车司机的卡车卡住
- 与小队的罕见问题做了政变
- 修正了“跳转到Livecam”热键
- 修正了警卫巡逻没有武器
- 修正了一个问题,在竞选期间节能朝代
- 拆卸国家公园不再阻止施工的面积
- 与资源枯竭建筑Autodestruction不能再被取消
- 思考现在正确地反映公民的性别
- 改进的操作系统版本检查启动
- 在启动时改进的GPU自动检测
- 在载入画面固定竞选冻结
- 修正了几个错别字,菠萝小姐将忙于为接下来的几天


- Multiplayer: Number of players in each chat room now displayed
- Multiplayer: Fixed several asynchronous game states
- Multiplayer: Fixed several UI issues
- Multiplayer: Added game speed setting when creating multiplayer games
- Multiplayer: Chat room names are now displayed properly
- Multiplayer: Fixed an issue with Aircraft Carriers not working properly
- Multiplayer: Fixed handling of Steam players with identical names
- Multiplayer: Fixed issue when exploring a deposit with a mine of another player
- Added option to rebind camera keys
- Added a repair/rebuild all option for damaged/destroyed buildings
- Added option to set budget for all building types (hold CTRL while setting budget)
- Beauty and pollution now properly affect housing quality
- Rebalanced upgrades: Research Projects (College), Small Hadron Collider (Research Lab), Totally Natural (Pharmaceutical Company)
- Upgrades now working with listed values: Chemical Extractor (Bauxite Mine and Automated Mine), Gas Turbines (Power Plant)
- Rebalanced number of workers in Uranium Automated Mines
- Census edict now properly applies its effect on activation
- Edicts can now be cancelled when money is below -$10000
- Fixed sandbox win conditions not restoring after loading a save
- Fixed crashes and eliminated stuttering on the main menu
- Fixed menus losing focus after a cutscene is triggered
- Fixed achievements (Barrels of Monkeys, History will Absolve Me)
- Fixed citizens not retiring or passing away properly
- Fixed rare endless black screen freeze related to disasters
- Fixed several freezes during combat
- Fixed some task chain issues
- Fixed missing buildings in Almanac list
- Fixed rare instance where dynasty could have more than 7 members
- Fixed volcano overlay on maps without volcanoes
- Fixed Dynasty UI errors when switching presidential candidate
- Fixed construction office and teamster trucks getting stuck
- Fixed rare issue with squads doing a coup
- Fixed "Jump to Livecam" hotkey
- Fixed guards patrolling without weapons
- Fixed an issue with saving dynasties during the campaign
- Demolished National Park no longer blocks construction in the area
- Autodestruction of buildings with depleted resources can no longer be cancelled
- Thoughts now properly reflect citizens gender
- Improved OS version check at startup
- Improved GPU autodetection on startup
- Fixed campaign freeze on loading screen
- Fixed several typos, Miss Pineapple will be busy for the next few days

by thegfw

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