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王国战争2:战场 v.1.3升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw提供分享)

王国战争2:战场 v.1.3升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(感谢游侠会员thegfw提供分享)
更新时间:2016-04-17 11:13







1.3更新 - “改变游戏规则”是现场直播!


该小组经过几天也刷新了,我们很高兴能够回来工作。随着大家对团队专注于亡灵瑞星扩展包,我们确保设置一些时间一边继续每隔一周定期更新。所以呈现1.3补丁 - “改变游戏规则”

您`ll看到此更新中几个非常大的变化,包括完全不同的方式来肉搏战,营,以及由我们的玩家要求的其他变化一打 - 从平衡调整,修复和小新功能。

人类还收到了急需的推动作用,我们终于盼来成电影模式让高/低缩放级别。最后 - 一种方法来分离和再利用这些攻城武器

- 返工肉搏战 - 营将主要攻击作为一个单元
- 返工寻路 - 个别营会乱跑的要少得多
- 返工作战 - 群力学大大提高
- 性能改进 - 在战斗中要低得多的CPU使用率
- 改进电影模式的相机 - 密切变焦,更进一步缩小,低,地面的角度
- 增加了新的防御姿态的单位 - 将返回到原来的位置一旦被攻击,只是反应部队攻击
每天每名球员5个新的行业 - - 新开发交易加入到市场
收到朋友邀请而进行搜索时 - 固定菜单破
- 固定菜单破时宣布断绝节目是在搜索时
- 解决问题加载保存的游戏时,建筑装饰对象
与手工艺窗 - 固定的常见错误
受限名和字,包括阿道夫·希特勒和其他人 - 更新过滤器
- 所有单位不等凌空损坏减少和平衡
在生存-Zombie产卵区 - 治愈僵尸,排水单位球员
- 修正隐藏的能力,从控制它们的玩家在多人藏匿单位打破
- 新林灵的图标,让看到多少正在生产
-Men骑士:15%HP 13%的攻击
战警装骑士:18%HP 11%的攻击
-Men足骑士17%的HP 18%的攻击
戟兵-Men 18%HP,12%的攻击
-Men Maceman:15%的HP
-Elven Rootant成本增加了100金
-Elven Rootant生命值降低25%


P.P.S.我们知道攻城武器的分离不工作,我们不得不在最后一秒恢复它。 We`ll周一修复


Update 1.3 - "The Game Changer" is Live!

Hey Guys and Girls, 

The team is well refreshed after a few days off, and we are excited to be back to work. With everyone on the team concentrating on Undead Rising expansion pack, we made sure to set some time aside to continue regular updates every other week. And so presenting patch 1.3 - "The Game Changer" 

You`ll see several very large changes in this update, including completely different approach to melee combat and battalions, as well as a dozen of other changes requested by our players - from balance adjustments to fixes and small new features. 

Human race has also received a much needed boost, and we finally looked into giving higher/lower zoom levels in cinematic mode. And finally - a way to detach and reuse these siege weapons 

-Reworked melee combat - battalions will mostly attack as one unit 
-Reworked pathfinding - individual battalions will run around much less 
-Reworked combat - swarm mechanics greatly improved 
-Performance improvement - much lower CPU usage during combat 
-Improved cinematic mode camera - close zoom in, much further zoom out and low, ground level angles 
-Added new Defensive Stance to units - will return to original position once attacked, only reacts to units attacking 
-Ladders, Tower and Treant now have Detach functionality, and can be reused 
-New Dev Trades added to the Market - 5 new trades per player, every day 
-Upgrading to large gatehouse keeps gates closed 
-Fixednot being able to task units away from attacking palisade gates 
-Fixed menu breaking when receiving Friend invite while searching 
-Fixed menu breaking when sever announcement is shows while searching 
-Peasant and Warden Female Hotkeys changed 
-Fixed problems with building decoration objects when loading the saved game 
-Fixed common error with Crafting window 
-Updated filters for restricted names and words including adolf hitler and others 
-All ranged unit volley damaged reduced and balanced 
-Wolf NPCs attack reduced by 37% 
-Orcs use Worker Hut drop off much better 
-Zombie Spawn area in survival - heals Zombies and drains player units 
-Fixed hide ability breaking in multiplayer hiding units from the player that controls them 
-New forest spirit icon that allows seeing how many are producing 
-Men Swordsman: 10% HP, 12% attack, 20% Armour 
-Men Cavalier: 15% HP 13% attack 
-Men Mounted Knight: 18% HP 11% attack 
-Men Foot Knight 17% HP 18% attack 
-Men Crossbowman 28% attack 
-Men Halberdier 18% HP, 12% attack 
-Men Maceman: 15% HP 
-Elven Rootant cost increased by 100 gold 
-Elven Rootant hitpoints reduced 25% 
-Orc Marauder nurfed, takes 20 seconds longer to train 
-Orc Marauder Worker Hut cost increased by 60 food 
-Orc Marauder Hit Points reduced 10% 
-Orc Grinder damage increased 100% 
-Orc Grinder now do 300% more damage vs Zombies, take 10% damage from Zombies 

P.S. We ran out of time to add changes to building levels effecting unit train time and cost, this is something we`ll save for 1.4 

P.P.S. We are aware of siege weapon Detach not working, we had to revert it at the last second. We`ll fix it by Monday

by thegfw

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