- 万圣节的新特别使命:“捣蛋!
- 2个新的灯笼食谱
- 1个新武器(可升级2次)
- 1新飞行宠物
- 1新头盔
- 1新厨房的食谱
- 七新的T恤
- 新功能:虚荣插槽 - 现在你的角色可以有两个项目每个护甲槽(一个在游戏中显示,另一个用于统计)
- 宠物现在给玩家的奖励统计数据(配备了黑熊和红鹦鹉的奖金)
- 重要提高在线稳定性+各种多人错误修复+连接错误修复
- ATI显卡的错误修复:当屏幕上出现火焰效果时,整个屏幕轻微模糊
- 错误修复:狙击不能再穿过墙壁
- 错误修复:Snipe现在可以杀死僵尸非常接近播放器
- 错误修复:删除了很少的随机崩溃(游戏中或启动时)
- 错误修复:成就“你好,我是你的新邻居!固定
- 错误修复:修复了本地阵营的保存系统
- 错误修复:5个玩家(所有者+ 4位客人)的在线模式现在正常工作
- 错误修复:更正某些任务的迷你地图
- 错误修复:陷阱现在在在线模式下正常工作(其中一些没有击中僵尸,当一些玩家没有足够接近陷阱)
- 腐败的食谱从厨房中删除
- 游戏不会崩溃了,当你把第二个背包到背包的虚荣插槽,用武器如狙击枪或弓装备,但不是在手中。
- 一件装甲不能同时装备在正常的槽和梳妆台上。
Update v20161027:
- New special mission for Halloween : "Trick or treat!"
- 2 new lantern recipes
- 1 new weapon (can be upgraded 2 times)
- 1 new flying pet
- 1 new helmet
- 1 new recipe for the kitchen
- SEVEN new t-shirts
- New feature : Vanity slots - now your character can have two items per armor slots (one to be displayed in-game, the other one used for stats)
- Pets are now giving bonus stats for the player when equipped (bonuses have been added for the Black Crow and the Red Parrot)
Tuning and bug fix :
- Important enhancement of online stability + various multiplayer bug fixes + connection bug fixes
- Bug fix on ATI Graphic card : whole screen was lightly blurred when a flame effect was on screen
- Bug fix : Snipe can no longer shoot through walls
- Bug fix : Snipe can now kill zombies very close to the player
- Bug fix : few random crashes removed (in-game or at launch)
- Bug fix : Achievement "Hi, I'm your new neighbor!" fixed
- Bug fix : a fix has been made to the saving system of local camp
- Bug fix : online mode for 5 players (owner + 4 guests) is now working properly
- Bug fix : correction of mini maps of some missions
- Bug fix : traps are now working properly in online mode (some of them were not hitting zombies when some of the players were not enough close of the trap)
- corrupted recipe removed from the kitchen
- game doesn't crash anymore when you put a second backpack to the vanity slot of backpacks, with a weapon such as the sniper gun or the bow is equipped but not in hands.
- a piece of armor can't be equipped in a normal slot and a vanity slot at the same time anymore.