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文明6 世界地图MOD Alpha .10[汉化版]

文明6 世界地图MOD Alpha .10[汉化版]
更新时间:2016-11-17 11:26


2.复制全部文件到我的文档\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods


Alpha .10

add the "Largest Earth" map of ludicrous size (230x116) with TSL and Cliffs
add cliffs to the Greatest Earth Map thanks to Hormigas
add option to use more random placement on imported maps (rivers, natural wonders)
add option for stone for Stonehenge, marsh for Mt St Michel and closed Bosphorus (Giant Earth only for testing ATM)
can launch an empty map with only terrains in the WB (independent options for rivers, features, natural wonders or resources)
re-order the options list, with better naming
speed up loading time in the WB
add niter around starting location of some Civilizations
fix Japan TSL on the Greatest Earth Map
fix continents name on the Greatest Earth Map and the Giant Earth
fix Culturally Linked Location that was not working anymore on the standard map scripts
rename some capitals in ruleset "light"
change some resources placement rules in ruleset "light"

Alpha .9

bug fix : importing features must not delete Natural Wonders.

Alpha .8

add cliffs to Giant Earth and Europe map thanks to Hormigas
change Cliffs of Dover yields (2 food, 1 culture, 1 gold) in ruleset
add option to import continents name from a civ5 map
add option for random rivers placement on imported maps
add option for random features (forest, jungle, ...) placement on imported maps
add resource exclusion zone to Greatest Earth Map
add hidden parameters in config.xml to control ice placement on south and north on imported maps when using random features
add hidden parameters in config.xml to control forest, jungle, marsh and oasis ratio on imported maps when using random features
fix multiple bugs caused by the default value of some hidden setting (like name !) to be the default value of the first selected map
fix bug preventing tribal village placement when a civilization without TSL was selected on a map with TSL activated
Japan up-scaled on Greatest Earth Map
small change to terrain and TSL for Japan on Giant Earth
rivers reworked on Giant Earth and Greatest Earth Map (make sure to have an end and a beginning, rivers flow must goes in one direction only)
British Columbia is now mostly grassland on Giant Earth and Greatest Earth Map
less tundra in Scandinavia on Giant Earth
add some plains in north Europe on Giant Earth
add code to export/import a civ6 map


文明6 世界地图MOD;国外玩家Gedemon制作了一个真实地球的地图包,可以说它是世界地图的文明6转换版本。并没有经过进一步的测试,如果执意要试的话,也请记得先把画质调到最低级别。作者本人已经用它和32种文明打了500多轮了,而且没有死过机。作者电脑显卡6GB几乎全负荷运行,他的电脑配置:处理器i7 4770K,显卡GTX980 ti,内存16G。


by Gedemon & yoforever
